13.5.2012 - Mańana music bar
Mystical drawings
Pod čertovou skalou 3, Praha 8
Exhibiton Maňana
Drawings exhibiton with mystical theme of ancient Mesopotamia was realized in the new recontructed salon in the Mańana music bar. This masterpiece, even fit into the small space, generated 10 years. Large-sized drawings, ofen format A0, captivate their detail rendition and masterly technique.
After the opening speech of painter Petr Probst and and during listening "Martin´s" songs, authoress cut her 3D cake in the schape of a Malthesian dog with a handbag and she hosted everybody. It was 15 delicius champagen bottle drunk and there was a wonderfully relaxed atmosphere.
Foto: Tomáš Chudoba